On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 12:50 PM, Sergey Konoplev <gray...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Was this situation mentioned before and is there a solution or
> workaround? (I didn't find any) If not please give me a glue where to
> dig or what information should I provide?

I think you should use log_min_duration_statement or auto_explain to
figure out which queries are giving you grief.  I don't believe that
8.4 is in general slower than 8.3, so there must be something about
how you are using it that is making it slower for you.  But without
more information it's hard to speculate what it might be.  It's also
not entirely clear that your 8.4 setup is really the same as your 8.3
setup.  You might have different configuration, differences in your
tables or table data, differences in workload, etc.  Without
controlling for all those factors it's hard to draw any conclusions.

Also, I don't believe this is an appropriate topic for pgsql-hackers.
If you have EXPLAIN ANALYZE results for the affected queries, try


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