On Thu, 2009-11-12 at 23:16 +0000, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:
> Hash: RIPEMD160
> >> needs significant preparation for them. Announcing an EOL early in time
> >> would give them the required time before the version used disappears.
> >
> > So, should we announce it for June?
> No, it should be longer. June is practically around the corner
> as far as business planning is concerned. Make it a year. Since it's
> mid November, why not just say 2011?

If a business wants support they can buy it. There is no reason for this
community to continue supporting it.

> > And yes, i'm +1 for having a rule for EOL, like "5 versions are
> > supported".
> If we released on a consistent schedule, this *might* be possible.
> But we don't, so we can't say something like this.

We can say 5 "years" from release though.

Joshua D. Drake

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