Markus Wanner wrote:
You will definitely find different definitions and requirements of what
synchronous replication means there.
To quote from the Wikipedia entry on "Database Replication" that Simon pointed to during the earlier discussion,

"Synchronous replication - guarantees "zero data loss" by the means of atomic write operation, i.e. write either completes on both sides or not at all. Write is not considered complete until acknowledgement by both local and remote storage."

That last part is the critical one: "acknowledgement by both local and remote storage" is required before you can label something truly synchronous replication. In implementation terms, that means you must have both local and slave fsync calls finish to be considered truly synchronous. That part is not ambiguous at all.

There's a definition of the weaker form in there too, which is where the ambiguity is at:

"Semi-synchronous replication - this usually means that a write is considered complete as soon as local storage acknowledges it and a remote server acknowledges that it has received the write either into memory or to a dedicated log file."

I don't consider that really synchronous replication anymore, but as you say it's been strengthened by marketing enough to be a valid industry term at this point. Since it's already gained traction we might use it, as long as it's defined properly and its trade-offs vs. a true synchronous implementation are documented.

Greg Smith    2ndQuadrant   Baltimore, MD
PostgreSQL Training, Services and Support

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