* Magnus Hagander <mag...@hagander.net> [100119 10:44]:
> > When we (at Wisconsin State Courts) were using CVS and had scripts to
> > automatically merge changes from one branch to another, we saw this
> > sort of thing unless people were very careful to grab a timestamp in
> > the past for their ranges and use it throughout the script.  Perhaps
> > the script is just not careful enough?  (Said in total ignorance of
> > what the PostgreSQL process here actually is....)
> That would be one way. However, AFAIK the tool we use (fromcvs)
> doesn't support this. If somebody were to extend the tool with that,
> it would be much appreciated. It's a Ruby tool though, so there's not
> a thing I can do about it myself... And it's basically undocumented.
> But yes, if we do that and set the timestamp far enough back in time,
> that should make it "reasonably safe". Given how long some operations
> can take ((C) year change, release tagging IIRC, stuff like that),
> this has to be a fairly large number, which means the git mirror will
> lack even further behind. But if that's what we have to pay to make it
> safe, I guess we should... The time would have to be long enough to
> cover any cvs commit including potential network slowness during it
> etc.

Well, when I was running my conversion, I took a "cheap" way, I just
rsynced twice (with a delay, I don't remember how long I decided was long
enough) and made sure the 2nd rsync didn't do anything, before I let
fromcvs at the copy of CVSROOT.

Sure, it's not perfect either, I based that on the hope that no "single
CVS commit" would have a period of $X of inactivity on the CVSROOT.

Of course, that could all be useless (for my PG conversion) if the PG
CVSROOT that was an unstable point-in-time copy of the real CVSROOT, but
I was rsyncing CVSROOT of other projects too, so I needed it for my own


Aidan Van Dyk                                             Create like a god,
ai...@highrise.ca                                       command like a king,
http://www.highrise.ca/                                   work like a slave.

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