On Tue, Jan 19, 2010 at 21:07, Kevin Grittner
<kevin.gritt...@wicourts.gov> wrote:
> I wrote:
>> Perhaps it is as simple, though, as using the client's time
>> instead of the CVS server's time -- that's one of the things I've
>> seen cause problems for this sort of thing using CVS before.
> I got a brief consult with a Ruby programmer here under the "if it's
> less than ten minutes you don't have to schedule it through a
> manager" rule.  From what we can see, fromcvs scans for all entries
> *after* a "previous run" time, but it isn't setting an upper bound
> on time during the scan.  I haven't found where it saves the time
> for the lower limit of the next run, but I rather suspect that it
> grabs the current time near the end of the scan.  If this is an
> accurate assessment, to avoid a window for lost commits, we'd have
> to fix a time before we started the scan to use as the upper bound
> for CVS commits to handle, and use it for the "previous run" time.
> There's still the possible issue of *whose* clock we're using for
> this.
> Reality check: does the frequency of lost CVS commits within git
> seem consistent with this theory?

Well, supposedly all our servers are synced with NTP. I know the main
cvs server is, and the git server is, but it goes past the anoncvs
server which is a hub.org server so I don't know for sure there - but
I think it is? So I don't think it's the machines-out-of-sync issue.
Or at least the window for that is *really* small.

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: http://www.hagander.net/
 Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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