On Jan 23, 2010, at 3:25 AM, Greg Stark wrote:

> Actually the original promounciation was mee-ess-cue-ell, "My" is
> monty's daughter's name and is pronounced like that. People generally
> pronounced it "my" though so they just made that the official
> pronounciation -- but they still don't approve of "my-sequel".

We could go with "PrySQL," as in you can pry it from my cold dead fingers. Or 
if you're Finnish, you can think of it as coming before SQL.

Or maybe "TrySQL", to encourage you to try it and because you can make tress 
out of it. It's greener, too.

Or perhaps OMGWTFSQL. No, wait, sorry, that's what I say when I'm working with 

How about "PugSQL"? It's kind of butch, keeps the "pg" part, and we could have 
a dog logo.

Or maybe we can determine that geeks are completely useless at branding and not 
touch this issue with a 10m pole.

So, 10mPoleSQL it is. Or maybe KillThisFuckingThreadSQL. Rather suggestive, 
don't you think?


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