On Wed, Apr 14, 2010 at 4:18 PM, Greg Smith <g...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> As for updating the size recommendations, the text at
> http://wiki.postgresql.org/wiki/Tuning_Your_PostgreSQL_Server has been
> beaten into the status quo by a number of people.

A few other random thoughts on this document:

1. The section on default_statistics_target needs some updating - the
default is 100 in 8.4+.

2. Reading the section on checkpoint_segments reminds me, again, that
the current value seems extremely conservative on modern hardware.
It's quite easy to hit this when doing large bulk data loads or even a
big ol' CTAS.  I think we should consider raising this for 9.1.  I
don't have a real strong opinion on what we should raise it TO - I
think it's basically a question of how much temporary disk storage we
think we can use during a large bulk data load without having users
come back and say "wtf?" - but it seems to me that we're not doing
ourselves any favors by having this set to a value where the first
advice we give our users is "try tripling it".


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