On Mon, Aug 2, 2010 at 10:49 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> writes:
>> This is actually my biggest concern about this patch - that it may be
>> just too much of a hassle to actually make it work for people.  I just
>> tried setting $EDITOR to MacOS's TextEdit program, and it turns out
>> that TextEdit doesn't understand +.  I'm afraid that we're going to
>> end up with a situation where it only works for people using emacs or
>> vi, and everyone else ends up with a broken install (and, possibly, no
>> clear idea how to fix it).
> [ disclaimer: I've not looked at the proposed patch yet ]
> It seems like this ought to be fairly easily surmountable as long as
> the patch is designed for failure.

It isn't.

> The fallback position is just that
> the line number does nothing, ie \ef foo just opens the editor and
> doesn't try to position the cursor anywhere special; nobody can complain
> about that because it's no worse than before.  What we need is to not
> try to force positioning if we don't recognize the editor.

Supposing for the moment that we could make it work that way, that
would be reasonable.

> I'm tempted
> to suggest forgetting about any user-configurable parameter and just
> provide code that strcmp's the $EDITOR value to see if it recognizes the
> editor name, otherwise do nothing.

With all due respect, that sounds like an amazingly bad idea.  Surely,
we'll be forever getting patches to add $MYFAVORITEEDITOR to the list,
or complaints that it's not already included.  While this is
superficially a Nice Thing to Have and I would certainly support it if
+linenumber were relatively universal, it's really a pretty minor
convenience when you come right down to it, and I am not at all
convinced it is worth the hassle of trying to divine what piece of
syntax will equip the user's choice of editor with the necessary
amount of clue.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise Postgres Company

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