At 12:41 PM 4/23/02 -0400, Bruce Momjian wrote:

>This is an interesting point, that an index scan may fit in the cache
>while a sequential scan may not.  I can see cases where even a index
>scan of a large percentage of the table may win over an sequential scan.

Yes and if it fits in the cache the random access costs drop by orders of 
magnitude as shown by a recent benchmark someone posted where a Solaris box 
cached gigs of data[1].

That's why it might be useful to know what the crossover points for index 
scan vs sequential scans for various random page cost values.

e.g. set random page cost to 1 means optimizer will use sequential scan if 
it thinks an index scan will return 50% or more rows. set to 0.5 for 75% or 
more and so on.

That's probably very simplistic, but basically some idea of what the 
optimizer will do given a random page cost could be helpful.


[1] Mark Pritchard's benchmark where you can see 3rd try onwards random is 
actually faster than sequential after caching (TWICE as fast too!).

Machine = jedi (Sun E420, 3gb ram, dual 400s, test on single scsi disk)

Bytes Read      Time    Bytes / Sec
2097152000      65.19   32167675.28
2097152000      65.22   32154114.65
2097152000      65.16   32182561.99
2097152000      65.12   32206105.12
2097152000      64.67   32429463.26
                         32227984.06 (avg)

Bytes Read      Time    Bytes / Sec
4194304000      1522.22 2755394.79
4194304000      278.18  15077622.05
4194304000      91.43   45874730.07
4194304000      61.43   68273795.19
4194304000      54.55   76890231.51

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