Tom Lane wrote:

>Curt Sampson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>Grabbing bigger chunks is always optimal, AFICT, if they're not
>>*too* big and you use the data. A single 64K read takes very little
>>longer than a single 8K read.
I contend this statement.

It's optimal to a point.  I know that my system settles into it's best 
read-speeds @ 32K or 64K chunks.  8K chunks are far below optimal for my 
system.  Most systems I work on do far better at 16K than at 8K, and 
most don't see any degradation when going to 32K chunks.  (this is 
across numerous OSes and configs -- results are interpretations from 
bonnie disk i/o marks).

Depending on what you're doing it is more efficiend to read bigger 
blocks up to a point.  If you're multi-thread or reading in non-blocking 
mode, take as big a chunk as you can handle or are ready to process in 
quick order.  If you're picking up a bunch of little chunks here and 
there and know oyu're not using them again then choose a size that will 
hopeuflly cause some of the reads to overlap, failing that, pick the 
smallest usable read size.

The OS can never do that stuff for you.

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