On Dec 6, 2010, at 7:19 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

> On the whole I'd prefer not to have any substitution functionality
> hard-wired into pg_execute_file either, though I can see the argument
> that it's necessary for practical use.  Basically I'm concerned that
> replace-equivalent behavior is not going to be satisfactory over the
> long run: I think eventually we're going to need to think about
> quoting/escaping behavior.  So I think it's a bad idea to expose the
> assumption that it'll be done that way at the SQL level.


I suspect that, for the purposes of the extensions patch, if CREATE EXTENSION 
could be modified to handle setting the schema itself, without requiring that 
the file have this magic line:

   SET search_path = @extschema@;

Then there would be no need for substitutions at all.


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