Tom Lane <> writes:
> Just for the archives' sake: the '@extschema@' business did turn out to
> be important, at least for tsearch2 where it's necessary to distinguish
> the objects it's dealing with from similarly-named objects in
> pg_catalog.  So this is what I used to generate the "unpackaged"
> scripts.  Some of them needed manual adjustment later to cover cases
> where 9.1 had diverged from 9.0, but the script could hardly be expected
> to know about that.

Good to know that even contrib needs that!

> #! /bin/sh
> MOD="$1"
> psql -d testdb -c "create extension $MOD"
> (
> echo "/* contrib/$MOD/$MOD--unpackaged--1.0.sql */"
> echo
> psql -A -t -d testdb -c "
>   SELECT 'ALTER EXTENSION ' || E.extname || ' ADD '
>       || replace(pg_describe_object(classid, objid, 0),
>                  N.nspname, '@extschema@')
>       || ';'
>     FROM pg_depend D
>          JOIN pg_extension E ON D.refobjid = E.oid
>                             AND D.refclassid = E.tableoid
>          JOIN pg_namespace N ON E.extnamespace = N.oid
>   WHERE deptype = 'e' AND E.extname = '$MOD'
>   ORDER BY D.objid
> " | sed -e 's/ADD cast from \(.*\) to \(.*\);/ADD cast (\1 as \2);/' \
>       -e 's/ for access method / using /'
> ) > contrib/$MOD/$MOD--unpackaged--1.0.sql

Ah well sed makes it simpler to read, but it won't be usable in windows.
I now realize also that the second version of this query did some
useless array type filtering.  Adding a replace() step in the query
would not be that ugly I guess, if we wanted to make it so.

Do we want to add such a query in the docs to help pgfoundry authors to
write their own 'from unpackaged' scripts?

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION extension_unpackaged_upgrade_script(text)
AS $$
WITH objs AS (
  SELECT 'ALTER EXTENSION ' || E.extname || ' ADD '
      || replace(pg_describe_object(classid, objid, 0),
                 N.nspname, '@extschema@')
      || ';' AS d
    FROM pg_depend D
         JOIN pg_extension E ON D.refobjid = E.oid
                            AND D.refclassid = E.tableoid
         JOIN pg_namespace N ON E.extnamespace = N.oid
  WHERE deptype = 'e' AND E.extname = $1
  ORDER BY D.objid
SELECT regexp_replace(replace(d, ' for access method ', ' using '),
                      'ADD cast from (.*) to (.*);',
                      E'ADD cast (\\1 as \\2);')
  FROM objs

dim=# select * from extension_unpackaged_upgrade_script('lo');
 ALTER EXTENSION lo ADD type @extschema@.lo;
 ALTER EXTENSION lo ADD function @extschema@.lo_oid(@extschema@.lo);
 ALTER EXTENSION lo ADD function @extschema@.lo_manage();
(3 rows)

Dimitri Fontaine     PostgreSQL : Expertise, Formation et Support

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