> > If that 1%  is random (not time/transaction related), usually you'd rather 
>have an empty  table.
> Why do you think it would be random?

"Heap blocks would be zeroed if they were found to be damaged, following a 

If you erase full blocks, you have no idea what data you erased; it could be
something changed 1 hour ago, 1 month ago, 1 year ago. This is very different 
say, synchronous_commit=off: in that case, "the most recent transactions may be
lost if the database should crash". In your case, "some (who knows which???) 
is lost". So, to me that sounds like random loss. I don't think that that is 
from a corrupted table. You're not deleting rows recently changed; you're 
everything that is "physically close" to it.

> > In other  words: is a table that is not consistant with anything else in 
> > the 
>db  useful?
> That's too big a leap. Why would it suddenly be inconsistent with  the
> rest of the database?

If you delete some data, and you have no idea what data you lost, I don't think 
you have a
consistent db. Unless, of course, your table has no relation with any other 
table in the db.

Of course, all these thoughts are based on the assumption that I know what 
happens when a
block is erased; but my knowledge of postgresql internals is not so good, so I 
might be
*very* wrong

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