On tor, 2011-06-30 at 15:09 -0400, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Robert Hass (whose name I misspelled in the commit message above) just
> mentioned to me (in an answer to my apologizing about it) that he
> didn't think that mentioning sponsors for patch development was a good
> idea.
> I don't think we have a policy for this, but I have done it for some
> time now and nobody has complained, so I sort of assumed it was okay.
> Besides, some of the people pouring the money in does care about it;
> moreover, it provides a little incentive for other companies that
> might also be in a position to fund development but lack the "peer
> approval" of the idea, or a final little push.

I think commit messages should be restricted to describing what was
changed and who is responsible for it.  Once we open it for things like
sponsorship, what's to stop people from adding personal messages, what
they had for breakfast, "currently listening to", or just selling
advertising space in each commit message for 99 cents?

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