On Wed, Aug 03, 2011 at 11:18:20AM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> Evidently not, if it's not logging anything, but now the question is
> why.  One possibility is that for some reason RelationGetNumberOfBlocks
> is persistently lying about the file size.  (We've seen kernel bugs
> before that resulted in transiently wrong values, so this isn't totally
> beyond the realm of possibility.)  Please try the attached patch, which
> extends the previous one to add a summary line including the number of
> blocks physically scanned by the seqscan.

Ok, I have results from the latest patch and have attached a redacted
server log with the select relfilenode output added inline. This is the
shorter of the logs and shows the sequence pretty clearly. I have additional
logs if wanted.

Summary: the failing process reads 0 rows from 0 blocks from the OLD


David Gould       da...@sonic.net      510 536 1443    510 282 0869
If simplicity worked, the world would be overrun with insects.
SS.msec  pid   db   user      statement
------  -----  ---  --------  -----------------------------------------------
03.804  29706  c27  postgres  connection authorized: user=postgres database=c27
03.824  29706  c27  postgres  set statement_timeout=600000;
03.824  29706  c27  postgres  0.364 ms
03.825  29706  c27  postgres  select current_database() as db, relname, oid, 
pg_relation_filenode(oid) as filenode, clock_timestamp()::time as ts from 
pg_class where relname like 'pg_class%';
03.829  29706  c27  postgres  4.173 ms
 db  |          relname           | oid  |  filenode  |       ts
 c27 | pg_class                   | 1259 | 1245833951 | 21:31:03.828293
 c27 | pg_class_oid_index         | 2662 | 1245833955 | 21:31:03.828791
 c27 | pg_class_relname_nsp_index | 2663 | 1259100530 | 21:31:03.828807

03.829  29706  c27  postgres  vacuum full pg_catalog.pg_class;
03.829  29706  c27  postgres  LOCATION: exec_simple_query, postgres.c:900
03.845  29707  c27  postgres  disconnection: session time: 0:00:00.041 
user=postgres database=c27 host=bk-0
08.856  29706  c27  postgres  process 29706 still waiting for RowExclusiveLock 
on relation 1214 of database 0 after 5000.483 ms
08.856  29706  c27  postgres  LOCATION: ProcSleep, proc.c:1059
08.856  29706  c27  postgres  STATEMENT: vacuum full pg_catalog.pg_class;
09.383  29711  LOG: 00000: process 29711 still waiting for AccessShareLock on 
relation 1259 of database 16408 after 5000.331 ms
09.383  29711  LOCATION: ProcSleep, proc.c:1059
11.559  28857  c27  apps      SELECT
16.560  28857  c27  apps      process 28857 still waiting for AccessShareLock 
on relation 1259 of database 16408 after 5001.209 ms
16.560  28857  c27  apps      LOCATION: ProcSleep, proc.c:1059
16.560  28857  c27  apps      STATEMENT: SELECT
19.763  29706  c27  postgres  process 29706 acquired RowExclusiveLock on 
relation 1214 of database 0 after 15907.284 ms
19.763  29706  c27  postgres  LOCATION: ProcSleep, proc.c:1063
19.763  29706  c27  postgres  STATEMENT: vacuum full pg_catalog.pg_class;
25.735  29711  LOG: 00000: process 29711 acquired AccessShareLock on relation 
1259 of database 16408 after 21352.393 ms
25.735  29711  LOCATION: ProcSleep, proc.c:1063
25.735  28857  c27  apps      process 28857 acquired AccessShareLock on 
relation 1259 of database 16408 after 14176.040 ms
25.735  28857  c27  apps      LOCATION: ProcSleep, proc.c:1063
25.735  28857  c27  apps      STATEMENT: SELECT
25.736  28857  c27  apps      ScanPgRelationDetailed: found 0 tuples with OID 
2662 in 0 blocks of filenode 1245833951
25.736  28857  c27  apps      LOCATION: ScanPgRelationDetailed, relcache.c:372
25.736  28857  c27  apps      STATEMENT: SELECT
25.736  28857  c27  apps      ERROR: XX000: could not find pg_class tuple for 
index 2662
25.736  28857  c27  apps      LOCATION: RelationReloadIndexInfo, relcache.c:1816
25.736  28857  c27  apps      STATEMENT: SELECT
25.736  29706  c27  postgres  21906.865 ms
25.737  29706  c27  postgres  select current_database() as db, relname, oid, 
pg_relation_filenode(oid) as filenode, clock_timestamp()::time as ts from 
pg_class where relname like 'pg_class%';
25.767  29706  c27  postgres  30.902 ms
 db  |          relname           | oid  |  filenode  |       ts
 c27 | pg_class                   | 1259 | 1279787837 | 21:31:25.76726
 c27 | pg_class_oid_index         | 2662 | 1279788022 | 21:31:25.767764
 c27 | pg_class_relname_nsp_index | 2663 | 1279788023 | 21:31:25.767782

25.768  29706  c27  postgres  vacuum full pg_catalog.pg_attribute;
25.775  28857  c27  apps      disconnection: session time: 0:07:07.758 
user=apps database=c27 host=op-01
25.775  28857  c27  apps      LOCATION: log_disconnections, postgres.c:4339
30.914  29711  LOG: 00000: process 29711 still waiting for AccessShareLock on 
relation 1249 of database 16408 after 5000.857 ms
30.914  29711  LOCATION: ProcSleep, proc.c:1059
35.770  29840  c27  apps      connection authorized: user=apps database=c27
35.770  29840  c27  apps      LOCATION: PerformAuthentication, postinit.c:242
40.773  29840  c27  apps      process 29840 still waiting for AccessShareLock 
on relation 1249 of database 16408 after 5000.530 ms
40.773  29840  c27  apps      LOCATION: ProcSleep, proc.c:1059
44.545  29711  LOG: 00000: process 29711 acquired AccessShareLock on relation 
1249 of database 16408 after 18631.071 ms
44.545  29711  LOCATION: ProcSleep, proc.c:1063
44.545  29840  c27  apps      process 29840 acquired AccessShareLock on 
relation 1249 of database 16408 after 8772.382 ms
44.545  29840  c27  apps      LOCATION: ProcSleep, proc.c:1063
44.546  29706  c27  postgres  18777.831 ms
44.546  29706  c27  postgres  vacuum full pg_catalog.pg_shdepend;
44.550  29711  LOG: 00000: automatic vacuum of table "c27.pg_catalog.pg_class": 
index scans: 1
        pages: 0 removed, 67 remain
44.550  29711  LOCATION: lazy_vacuum_rel, vacuumlazy.c:244
44.552  29840  c27  apps      SHOW default_transaction_isolation
44.552  29840  c27  apps      0.326 ms
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