On Mon, Mar 5, 2012 at 11:46 AM, Simon Riggs <si...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> I agree behaviour is wrong, the only question is whether our users
> rely in some way on that behaviour. Given the long discussion on that
> point earlier I thought it best to add a GUC. Easy to remove, now or
> later.

AFAICT, all the discussion upthread was about whether we ought to be
trying to implement this in some entirely-different way that doesn't
rely on storing XIDs in the catalog.  I have a feeling that there are
a whole lot more cases like this and that we're in for a lot of
unpleasant nastiness if we go very far down this route; pg_constraint
is another one, as SnapshotNow can see constraints that may not be
valid under the query's MVCC snapshot.  On the other hand, if someone
comes up with a better way, I suppose we can always rip this out.  In
any case, I don't remember anyone saying that this needed to be

Speaking of that, though, I have one further thought on this: we need
to be absolutely certain that autovacuum is going to prevent this XID
value from wrapping around.  I suppose this is safe since, even if
autovacuum is turned off, we'll forcibly kick it off every so often to
advance relfrozenxid, and that will reset relvalidxid while it's
there.  But then again on second thought, what if relvalidxid lags
relfrozenxid?  Then the emergency autovacuum might not kick in until
relvalidxid has already wrapped around.  I think that could happen
after a TRUNCATE, perhaps, since I think that would leave relfrozenxid
alone while advancing relvalidxid.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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