On Thu, Apr 5, 2012 at 6:33 PM, Hannu Krosing <ha...@krosing.net> wrote:
> I would really like the controversial parts of the recent feature creep
> to get un-creeped :)
> At least until 9.3 .

This argument would hold more water if I hadn't been encouraging
Dimitri to pick a less aggressive target for this feature in just
about every review of the feature that I did.  Yes, I want a general
syntax that will accommodate not only our immediate goals, but also
other things that we will certainly want to do in the future.  I think
anything else would be very short-sighted.  That having been said, I
have repeatedly encouraged whittling this feature down to a smaller
initial subset, with only partial success.  I still think that's one
of the things to happen for next CommitFest.  Introducing both a
general framework for command/event triggers and a rather complex and
invasive initial firing point that requires surgery on the guts of
every DDL command in the system basically means we've got two major
features in one patch.  That's a lot to review, and twice as many ways
to fail.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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