> In short, the idea of strongly calendar-driven releases looks more
> and more attractive to me the more times we go through this process.
> If your patch isn't ready on date X, then it's not getting into this
> release; but there'll be another bus coming along before long.
> Stretching out release cycles to get in those last few neat features
> just increases the pressure for more of the same, because people don't
> know how long it will be to the next release.

As you know, I've supported this view for several years.

> Just to be clear ... I don't believe that we can have hard-and-fast
> *release* dates.  I am suggesting that it might be a good idea to have
> a hard deadline for committing new features.  But beta test phase will
> take however long it takes.  I don't think shaking out bugs is a
> predictable process.

It could have more visibility though, which would probably also make it
go faster.  Something to work on.

Josh Berkus
PostgreSQL Experts Inc.

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