On Sat, 2002-08-03 at 16:32, Curt Sampson wrote:
> On 2 Aug 2002, Hannu Krosing wrote:
> > On Fri, 2002-08-02 at 12:15, Curt Sampson wrote:
> > > On 2 Aug 2002, Hannu Krosing wrote:
> > >
> > > > Could you brief me why do they discourage a syntactical frontent to a
> > > > feature that is trivially implemented ?
> > >
> > > What's the point of adding it? It's just one more thing to learn.
> >
> > You don't have to learn it if you don't want to. But once you do, you
> > have a higher level way of expressing a whole class of models.
> Perhaps this is the problem. I disagree that it's  a "higher" level.

I don't mean "morally higher" ;)

Just more concise and easier to grasp, same as VIEW vs. TABLE + ON xxx

With INSTEAD rules you can do more than a VIEW does, but when all you
want is a VIEW, then it is easier to define a VIEW, thus VIEW is a
higher level construct than TABLE + ON xxx DO INSTEAD

That is the same way that C is "higher" than ASM and ASM is higher than
writing code directly using hex editor.


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