On 20.12.2012 18:19, Fujii Masao wrote:
InstallXLogFileSegment() also uses ThisTimeLineID. But your recent commit
doesn't take care of it and prevents the standby from recycling the WAL files
properly. Specifically, the standby recycles the WAL file to wrong name.

A-ha, good catch. So that's actually a live bug in 9.1 and 9.2 as well: after the recovery target timeline has changed, restartpoints will continue to preallocate/recycle WAL files for the old timeline. That's otherwise harmless, but the useless WAL files waste space, and walreceiver will have to always create new files.

So instead of always running with ThisTimeLineID = 0 in the checkpointer process, I guess we'll have to update it to the timeline being replayed, when creating a restartpoint.

- Heikki

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