On Wed, September 25, 2013 00:14, Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> [minmax-4-incr.patch]

After a  --data-checksums initdb (successful), the following error came up:

after the statement: create index t_minmax_idx on t using minmax (r);

WARNING:  page verification failed, calculated checksum 25951 but expected 0
ERROR:  invalid page in block 1 of relation base/21324/26267_vm

it happens reliably. every time I run the program.

Below is the whole program that I used.


Erik Rijkers



if [[ 1 -eq 1 ]]; then

    echo "
        drop table if exists $t ;
        create table $t
            select i, cast( random() * 10^9 as integer ) as r
            from generate_series(1, 1000000)  as f(i) ;
    analyze $t;
    table $t limit 5;
    select count(*) from $t;
    explain analyze select min(r), max(r) from $t;
                            select min(r), max(r) from $t;

    create index ${t}_minmax_idx on $t using minmax (r);
    analyze $t;

    explain analyze select min(r), max(r) from $t;
                            select min(r), max(r) from $t;

    " | psql


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