2013/12/8 Peter Eisentraut <pete...@gmx.net>

> In my opinion, the idea of having a separate lint checker for a language
> is antiquated.  If there are problems, they should be diagnosed at
> compile time or run time.  You can add options about warning levels or
> strictness if there are concerns about which diagnostics are
> appropriate.

There are two points, that should be solved

a) introduction a dependency to other object in schema - now CREATE
FUNCTION is fully independent on others

b) slow start - if we check all paths on start, then start can be slower -
and some functions should not work due dependency on temporary tables.

I am thinking about possible marking a function by #option (we have same

some like

#option check_on_first_start
#option check_on_create
#option check_newer

But still I have no idea, how to push check without possible slowdown
execution with code duplication


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