On 28.1.2014 08:29, Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
> On 01/28/2014 05:54 AM, Tomas Vondra wrote:
>> Then I ran those scripts on:
>>    * 9.3
>>    * 9.4 with Heikki's patches (9.4-heikki)
>>    * 9.4 with Heikki's and first patch (9.4-alex-1)
>>    * 9.4 with Heikki's and both patches (9.4-alex-2)
> It would be good to also test with unpatched 9.4 (ie. git master). The
> packed posting lists patch might account for a large part of the
> differences between 9.3 and the patched 9.4 versions.
> - Heikki


the e-mail I sent yesterday apparently did not make it into the list,
probably because of the attachments, so I'll just link them this time.

I added the results from 9.4 master to the spreadsheet:


It's a bit cumbersome to analyze though, so I've quickly hacked up a
simple jqplot page that allows comparing the results. It's available
here: http://www.fuzzy.cz/tmp/gin/

It's likely there are some quirks and issues - let me know about them.

The ODT with the data is available here:


Three quick basic observations:

(1) The current 9.4 master is consistently better than 9.3 by about 15%
    on rare words, and up to 30% on common words. See the charts for
    6-word queries:


    With 3-word queries the effects are even stronger & clearer,
    especially with the common words.

(2) Heikki's patches seem to work OK, i.e. improve the performance, but
    only with rare words.


    With 3 words the impact is much stronger than with 6 words,
    presumably because it depends on how frequent the combination of
    words is (~ multiplication of probabilities). See


    for comparison of 9.4 master vs. 9.4+heikki's patches.

(3) A file with explain plans for 4 queries suffering ~2x slowdown,
    and explain plans with 9.4 master and Heikki's patches is available


    All the queries have 6 common words, and the explain plans look
    just fine to me - exactly like the plans for other queries.

    Two things now caught my eye. First some of these queries actually
    have words repeated - either exactly like "database & database" or
    in negated form like "!anything & anything". Second, while
    generating the queries, I use "dumb" frequency, where only exact
    matches count. I.e. "write != written" etc. But the actual number
    of hits may be much higher - for example "write" matches exactly
    just 5% documents, but using @@ it matches more than 20%.

    I don't know if that's the actual cause though.


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