On 02/18/2015 11:43 PM, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
Heikki seemed to think that the deadlock problems were not really
worth fixing independently of ON CONFLICT UPDATE support, but rather
represented a useful way of committing code incrementally. Do I have
that right?


The way I chose to break the livelock (what I call "livelock
insurance") does indeed involve comparing XIDs, which Heikki thought
most promising. But it also involves having the oldest XID wait on
another session's speculative token in the second phase, which
ordinarily does not occur in the second
phase/check_exclusion_or_unique_constraint() call. The idea is that
one session is guaranteed to be the waiter that has a second iteration
within its second-phase check_exclusion_or_unique_constraint() call,
where (following the super deletion of conflict TIDs by the other
conflicting session or sessions) reliably finds that it can proceed
(those other sessions are denied the opportunity to reach their second
phase by our second phase waiter's still-not-super-deleted tuple).

However, it's difficult to see how to map this on to general exclusion
constraint insertion + enforcement. In Heikki's recent sketch of this
[1], there is no pre-check, since that is considered an "UPSERT thing"
deferred until a later patch, and therefore my scheme here cannot work
(recall that for plain inserts with exclusion constraints, we insert
first and check last). I have a hard time justifying adding the
pre-check for plain exclusion constraint inserters given the total
lack of complaints from the field regarding unprincipled deadlocks,
and given the fact that it would probably make the code more
complicated than it needs to be. It is critical that there be a
pre-check to prevent livelock, though, because otherwise the
restarting sessions can go straight to their "second" phase
(check_exclusion_or_unique_constraint() call), without ever realizing
that they should not do so.

Hmm. I haven't looked at your latest patch, but I don't think you need to pre-check for this to work. To recap, the situation is that two backends have already inserted the heap tuple, and then see that the other backend's tuple conflicts. To avoid a livelock, it's enough that one backend super-deletes its own tuple first, before waiting for the other to complete, while the other other backend waits without super-deleting. No?

It seems like the livelock insurance is pretty close to or actually
free, and doesn't imply that a "second phase wait for token" needs to
happen too often. With heavy contention on a small number of possible
tuples (100), and 8 clients deleting and inserting, I can see it
happening only once every couple of hundred milliseconds on my laptop.
It's not hard to imagine why the code didn't obviously appear to be
broken before now, as the window for an actual livelock must have been
small. Also, deadlocks bring about more deadlocks (since the deadlock
detector kicks in), whereas livelocks do not bring about more

It might be easier to provoke the livelocks with a GiST opclass that's unusually slow. I wrote the attached opclass for the purpose of testing this a while ago, but I haven't actually gotten around to do much with it. It's called "useless_gist", because it's a GiST opclass for integers, like btree_gist, but the penalty and picksplit functions are totally dumb. The result is that the tuples are put to the index in pretty much random order, and every scan has to scan the whole index. I'm posting it here, in the hope that it happens to be useful, but I don't really know if it is.

- Heikki

Attachment: useless_gist.tar.gz
Description: application/gzip

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