On Sat, May 16, 2015 at 5:58 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:

> With feature freeze behind us, I'd like to propose that now is a good
> time for a pgindent run.  It's possible we'd need another one before
> 9.5 is branched off from HEAD, but a run now ought to take care of 95%
> of the cleanup needed.  I see a couple of advantages to doing it now:
> 1. Patches that are now postponed to 9.6 will need to be rebased against
> pgindented sources anyway.  Might as well give their authors more time
> for that rather than less.
> 2. Code that matches the project layout conventions is easier to read
> and review, IMO (not that I'm especially in love with the pgindent
> layout, but I'm used to it).  Also any issues like commit d678bde65
> would be taken care of, which is an objective reason why reviewing is
> easier.
> The only significant downside I can think of is that, if we determine
> that any of the recent feature additions are so sketchy that they need
> to be reverted, having to undo just a portion of the pgindent commit
> before reverting the feature commit would be a pain.  But I don't think
> we should optimize on the assumption that that will happen.

+1, except I suggest we at least delay it until we have wrapped the new
minor releases, to make sure we don't conflict with any backpatching there.

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: http://www.hagander.net/
 Work: http://www.redpill-linpro.com/

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