On Wed, Sep 2, 2015 at 10:30 AM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> But if you have in mind that typical FDWs would actually create join paths
> at that point, consider that
> 1. The FDW would have to find all the combinations of its supplied
> relations (unless you are only intending to generate one path for the
> union of all such rels, which seems pretty narrow-minded from here).

Well, if the remote end is another database server, presumably we can
leave it to optimize the query, so why would we need more than one
path?  I can see that we need more than one path because of sort-order
considerations, which would affect the query we ship to the remote
side.  But I don't see the point of considering multiple join orders
unless the remote end is dumber than our optimizer, which might be
true in some cases, but not if the remote end is PostgreSQL.

> 2. The FDW would have to account for join_is_legal considerations.

I agree with this.

> 3. The FDW would have to arrange for creation of joinrel RelOptInfo
> structures.  While that's possible, the available infrastructure for it
> assumes that joinrels are built up from pairs of simpler joinrels, so
> you couldn't go directly to the union of all the FDW's rels anyway.

And with this.

> So I still think that the most directly useful infrastructure here
> would involve, when build_join_rel() first creates a given joinrel,
> noticing whether both sides belong to the same foreign server and
> if so giving the FDW a callback to consider producing pushed-down
> joins.  That would be extremely cheap to do and it would not involve
> adding overhead for an FDW to discover what the valid sets of joins
> are.  In a large join problem, that's *not* going to be a cheap
> thing to duplicate.  If there are multiple FDWs involved, the idea
> that each one of them would do its own join search is particularly
> horrid.

So, the problem is that I don't think this entirely skirts the
join_is_legal issues, which are a principal point of concern for me.
Say this is a joinrel between (A B) and (C D E).  We need to generate
an SQL query for (A B C D E).  We know that the outermost syntactic
join can be (A B) to (C D E).  But how do we know which join orders
are legal as among (C D E)?  Maybe there's a simple way to handle this
that I'm not seeing.

Robert Haas
EnterpriseDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com
The Enterprise PostgreSQL Company

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