On 2 November 2015 at 20:17, Craig Ringer <cr...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> Hi all
> I'd like to submit pglogical_output for inclusion in the 9.6 series as
> a contrib.

Here's the protocol documentation discussed in the README. It's
asciidoc at the moment, so it can be formatted into something with
readable tables.

If everyone thinks it's reasonable to document the pglogical protocol
as part of the SGML docs then it can be converted. Since the walsender
protocol is documented in the public SGML docs it probably should be,
it's just a matter of deciding what goes where.

Thanks to Darko Milojković for the asciidoc conversion. All errors are
likely to be my edits.

 Craig Ringer                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services
= Pg_logical protocol

This isn’t a whole new top-level TCP protocol - it uses the libpq and walsender 
protocols, rather than replacing them. It’s is a protocol within a protocol 
within a protocol.

This protocol is an inner layer in a stack:

 * tcp or unix sockets
 ** libpq protocol
 *** walsender COPY BOTH mode
 **** pg_logical output plugin => consumer protocol

This protocol has evolved out of the BDR protocol. For why changes were needed, 
see the document +++<u>+++_Development plan_+++</u>+++ and +++<u>+++_Rationale 
for protocol changes_+++</u>+++.

== ToC

== Notes for understanding the protocol documentation

When reading the protocol docs, note that:

 * The walsender IDENTIFY SYSTEM message exposes upstream’s:
 ** sysid
 ** tli (Timeline Identifier)
 ** xlogpos (LSN, or Log Sequence Number)
 ** logptr
 ** dbname (not db oid)
 * We can accept an arbitrary list of params to START LOGICAL REPLICATION. 
After that, the only information we can send from downstream to upstream is 
replay progress feedback messages.
== Protocol messages

The individual protocol messages are discussed in the following sub sections. 
Protocol flow and logic comes in the next major section.

Absolutely all top-level protocol messages begin with a message type byte. 
While represented in code as a character, this is a signed byte with no 
associated encoding.

Since the PostgreSQL libpq COPY protocol supplies a message length there’s no 
need for top-level protocol messages to embed a length in their header.
=== BEGIN message

A stream of rows starts with a BEGIN message. Rows may only be sent after a 
BEGIN and before a COMMIT.


|Message type|signed char|Literal ‘**B**’ (0x42)
|flags|uint8| * 0-3: Reserved, client _must_ ERROR if set and not recognised.
|lsn|uint64|“final_lsn” in decoding context - currently it means lsn of commit
|commit time|uint64|“commit_time” in decoding context
|remote XID|uint32|“xid” in decoding context

=== Forwarded transaction origin message

Sent if and only if the immediately prior message was a _BEGIN_ message with 
the FORWARDED_TRANSACTION flag set, the message after the BEGIN _must_ be a 
_forwarded transaction origin _message indicating what upstream host the 
transaction came from.

It is a protocol error to send/receive a forwarded transaction origin message 
at any other time.

The origin identifier is of arbitrary and application-defined format. 
Applications _should_ prefix their origin identifier with a fixed application 
name part, like _bdr__, _myapp__, etc. It is application-defined what an 
application does with forwarded transactions from other applications.

The origin identifier is typically closely related to replication slot names 
and replication origins’ names in an application system.

For more detail see _Changeset Forwarding_ in the README.


|Message type|signed char|Literal ‘**O**’ (0x4f)
|flags|uint8| * 0-3: Reserved, application _must_ ERROR if set and not 
|origin_lsn|uint64|Log sequence number (LSN, XLogRecPtr) of the transaction’s 
commit record on its origin node (as opposed to the forwarding node’s commit 
LSN, which is ‘lsn’ in the BEGIN message)
|origin_identifier_length|uint8|Length in bytes of origin_identifier
|origin_identifier|signed char[origin_identifier_length]|An origin identifier 
of arbitrary, upstream-application-defined structure. _Should_ be text in the 
same encoding as the upstream database. NULL-terminated. _Should_ be 7-bit 

=== COMMIT message
A stream of rows ends with a COMMIT message.

There is no ROLLBACK message because aborted transactions are not sent by the 


|Message type|signed char|Literal ‘**C**’ (0x43)
|Flags|uint8| * 0-3: Reserved, client _must_ ERROR if set and not recognised
|Commit LSN|uint64|commit_lsn in decoding commit decode callback. This is the 
same value as in the BEGIN message, and marks the end of the transaction.
|End LSN|uint64|end_lsn in decoding transaction context
|Commit time|uint64|commit_time in decoding transaction context

=== INSERT, UPDATE or DELETE message

After a BEGIN or metadata message, the downstream should expect to receive zero 
or more row change messages, composed of an insert/update/delete message with 
zero or more tuple fields, each of which has one or more tuple field values.

The row’s relidentifier _must_ match that of the most recently preceding 
metadata message. All consecutive row messages must currently have the same 
relidentifier. (_Later extensions to add metadata caching will relax these 
requirements for clients that advertise caching support; see the documentation 
on metadata messages for more detail_).

It is an error to decode rows using metadata received after the row was 
received, or using metadata that is not the most recently received metadata 
revision that still predates the row. I.e. in the sequence M1, R1, R2, M2, R3, 
M4: R1 and R2 must be decoded using M1, and R3  must be decoded using M2. It is 
an error to use M4 to decode any of the rows, to use M1 to decode R3, or to use 
M2 to decode R1 and R2.

Row messages _may not_ arrive except during a transaction as delimited by BEGIN 
and COMMIT messages. It is an error to receive a row message outside a 

Any unrecognised tuple type or tuple part type is an error on the downstream 
that must result in a client disconnect and error message. Downstreams are 
expected to negotiate compatibility, and upstreams must not add new tuple types 
or tuple field types without negotiation.

The downstream reads rows until the next non-row message is received. There is 
no other end marker or any indication of how many rows to expect in a sequence.

==== Row message header


|Message type|signed char|Literal ‘**I**’nsert (0x49), ‘**U**’pdate’ (0x55) or 
‘**D**’elete (0x44)
|flags|uint8|Row flags (reserved)
|relidentifier|uint32|relidentifier that matches the table metadata message 
sent for this row.
(_Not present in BDR, which sends nspname and relname instead_)
|[tuple parts]|[composite]|

One or more tuple-parts fields follow.

==== Tuple fields

|Tuple type|signed char|Identifies the kind of tuple being sent.

|tupleformat|signed char|‘**T**’ (0x54)
|natts|uint16|Number of fields sent in this tuple part.
(_Present in BDR, but meaning significantly different here)_
|[tuple field values]|[composite]|

===== Tuple tupleformat compatibility

Unrecognised _tupleformat_ kinds are a protocol error for the downstream.

==== Tuple field value fields

These message parts describe individual fields within a tuple.

There are two kinds of tuple value fields, abbreviated and full. Which is being 
read is determined based on the first field, _kind_.

Abbreviated tuple value fields are nothing but the message kind:


|kind|signed char| * ‘**n**’ull (0x6e) field

Full tuple value fields have a length and datum:


|kind|signed char| * ‘**i**’nternal binary (0x62) field
|length|int4|Only defined for kind = i|b|t
|data|[length]|Data in a format defined by the table metadata and column _kind_.

===== Tuple field values kind compatibility

Unrecognised field _kind_ values are a protocol error for the downstream. The 
downstream may not continue processing the protocol stream after this point**.**

The upstream may not send ‘**i**’nternal or ‘**b**’inary format values to the 
downstream without the downstream negotiating acceptance of such values. The 
downstream will also generally negotiate to receive type information to use to 
decode the values. See the section on startup parameters and the startup 
message for details.
=== Table/row metadata messages

Before sending changed rows for a relation, a metadata message for the relation 
must be sent so the downstream knows the namespace, table name, column names, 
optional column types, etc. A relidentifier field, an arbitrary numeric value 
unique for that relation on that upstream connection, maps the metadata to 
following rows.

A client should not assume that relation metadata will be followed immediately  
(or at all) by rows, since future changes may lead to metadata messages being 
delivered at other times. Metadata messages may arrive during or between 

The upstream may not assume that the downstream retains more metadata than the 
one most recent table metadata message. This applies across all tables, so a 
client is permitted to discard metadata for table x when getting metadata for 
table y. The upstream must send a new metadata message before sending rows for 
a different table, even if that metadata was already sent in the same session 
or even same transaction. _This requirement will later be weakened by the 
addition of client metadata caching, which will be advertised to the upstream 
with an output plugin parameter._

Columns in metadata messages are numbered from 0 to natts-1, reading 
consecutively from start to finish. The column numbers do not have to be a 
complete description of the columns in the upstream relation, so long as all 
columns that will later have row values sent are described. The upstream may 
choose to omit columns it doesn’t expect to send changes for in any given 
series of rows. Column numbers are not necessarily stable across different sets 
of metadata for the same table, even if the table hasn’t changed structurally.

A metadata message may not be used to decode rows received before that metadata 

==== Table metadata header


|Message type|signed char|Literal ‘**R**’ (0x52)
|flags|uint8| * 0-6: Reserved, client _must_ ERROR if set and not recognised.
|relidentifier|uint32|Arbitrary relation id, unique for this upstream. In 
practice this will probably be the upstream table’s oid, but the downstream 
can’t assume anything.
|nspnamelength|uint8|Length of namespace name
|nspname|signed char[nspnamelength]|Relation namespace (null terminated)
|relnamelength|uint8|Length of relation name
|relname|char[relname]|Relation name (null terminated)
|attrs block|signed char|Literal: ‘**A**’ (0x41)
|natts|uint16|number of attributes
|[fields]|[composite]|Sequence of ‘natts’ column metadata blocks, each of which 
begins with a column delimiter followed by zero or more column metadata blocks, 
each with the same column metadata block header.

This chunked format is used so that new metadata messages can be added without 
breaking existing clients.

==== Column delimiter

Each column’s metadata begins with a column metadata header. This comes 
immediately after the natts field in the table metadata header or after the 
last metadata block in the prior column.

It has the same char header as all the others, and the flags field is the same 
size as the length field in other blocks, so it’s safe to read this as a column 
metadata block header.


|blocktype|signed char|‘**C**’ (0x43) - column
|flags|uint8|Column info flags

==== Column metadata block header

All column metadata blocks share the same header, which is the same length as a 
column delimiter:


|blocktype|signed char|Identifies the kind of metadata block that follows.
|blockbodylength|uint16|Length of block in bytes, excluding blocktype char and 
length field.

==== Column name block

This block just carries the name of the column, nothing more. It begins with a 
column metadata block, and the rest of the message is the column name.


|[column metadata block header]|[composite]|blocktype = ‘**N**’ (0x4e)
|colname|char[blockbodylength]|Column name.

==== Column type block


Not defined in first protocol revision.

Likely to send a type identifier (probably the upstream oid) as a reference to 
a “type info” protocol message to be delivered before. Then we can cache the 
type descriptions and avoid repeating long schemas and names, just using the 

Needs to have room to handle:

 * built-in core types
 * extension types (ext version may vary)
 * enum types (CREATE TYPE … AS ENUM)
 * range types (CREATE TYPE … AS RANGE)
 * composite types (CREATE TYPE … AS (...))
 * custom types (CREATE TYPE ( input = x_in, output = x_out ))

… some of which can be nested


== Startup message

After processing output plugin arguments, the upstream output plugin must send 
a startup message as its first message on the wire. It is a trivial header 
followed by alternating key and value strings represented as null-terminated 
unsigned char strings.

This message specifies the capabilities the output plugin enabled and describes 
the upstream server and plugin. This may change how the client decodes the data 
stream, and/or permit the client to disconnect and report an error to the user 
if the result isn’t acceptable.

If replication is rejected as incompatible or unable to satisfy required 
options, the startup message may be followed by a libpq protocol FATAL message 
that terminates the session. See “Startup errors” below.

The parameter names and values are sent as alternating key/value pairs as 
null-terminated strings, e.g.



|Message type|signed char|‘**S**’ (0x53) - startup
|Startup message version|uint8|Value is always “1”.
|(parameters)|null-terminated key/value pairs|See table below for parameter 

=== Startup message parameters 

Since all parameter values are sent as strings, the value types given below 
specify what the value must be reasonably interpretable as.

|*Key name*|*Value type*|*Description*

|max_proto_version|integer|Newest version of the protocol supported by output 
|min_proto_version|integer|Oldest protocol version supported by server.
|coltypes|boolean|Column types will be sent in table metadata.
|pg_version_num|integer|PostgreSQL server_version_num of server, if it’s 
PostgreSQL. e.g. 090400
|pg_version|string|PostgreSQL server_version of server, if it’s PostgreSQL.
|pg_catversion|uint32|Version of the PostgreSQL system catalogs on the upstream 
server, if it’s PostgreSQL.
|binary|_set of parameters, specified separately_|See “_the __‘binary’__ 
parameters_” below, and “_Parameters relating to exchange of binary values_”
|encoding|string|The text encoding used in the upstream database. Used for text 
|forward_changesets|bool|Specifies that all transactions, not just those 
originating on the upstream, will be forwarded. See “_Changeset forwarding_”.
|forward_changeset_origins|bool|Tells the client that the server will send 
changeset origin information. Independent of forward_changesets. See 
“_Changeset forwarding_” for details.

The ‘binary’ parameter set:
|*Key name*|*Value type*|*Description*

|binary.internal_basetypes|boolean|If true, PostgreSQL internal binary 
representations for row field data may be used for some or all row fields, if 
here the type is appropriate and the binary compatibility parameters of 
upstream and downstream match. See binary.want_internal_basetypes in the output 
plugin parameters for details.

May only be true if _binary.want_internal_basetypes_ was set to true by the 
client in the parameters and the client’s accepted binary format matches that 
of the server.
|binary.binary_basetypes|boolean|If true, external binary format (send/recv 
format) may be used for some or all row field data where the field type is a 
built-in base type whose send/recv format is compatible with 
binary.binary_pg_version .

May only be set if _binary.want_binary_basetypes_ was set to true by the client 
in the parameters and the client’s accepted send/recv format matches that of 
the server.
|binary.binary_pg_version|uint16|The PostgreSQL major version that send/recv 
format values will be compatible with. This is not necessarily the actual 
upstream PostgreSQL version.
|binary.sizeof_int|uint8|sizeof(int) on the upstream.
|binary.sizeof_long|uint8|sizeof(long) on the upstream.
|binary.sizeof_datum|uint8|Same as sizeof_int, but for the PostgreSQL Datum 
|binary.maxalign|uint8|Upstream PostgreSQL server’s MAXIMUM_ALIGNOF value - 
platform dependent, determined at build time.
|binary.bigendian|bool|True iff the upstream is big-endian.
|binary.float4_byval|bool|Upstream PostgreSQL’s float4_byval compile option.
|binary.float8_byval|bool|Upstream PostgreSQL’s float8_byval compile option.
|binary.integer_datetimes|bool|Whether TIME, TIMESTAMP and TIMESTAMP WITH TIME 
ZONE will be sent using integer or floating point representation.

Usually this is the value of the upstream PostgreSQL’s integer_datetimes 
compile option.
== Startup errors

If the server rejects the client’s connection - due to non-overlapping protocol 
support, unrecognised parameter formats, unsupported required parameters like 
hooks, etc - then it will follow the startup reply message with a 
+++<u>+++normal libpq protocol error message+++</u>+++. (Current versions send 
this before the startup message).

== Arguments client supplies to output plugin

The one opportunity for the downstream client to send information (other than 
replay feedback) to the upstream is at connect-time, as an array of arguments 
to the output plugin supplied to START LOGICAL REPLICATION.

There is no back-and-forth, no handshake.

As a result, the client mainly announces capabilities and makes requests of the 
output plugin. The output plugin will ERROR if required parameters are unset, 
or where incompatibilities that cannot be resolved are found. Otherwise the 
output plugin reports what it could and could not honour in the startup message 
it sends as the first message on the wire down to the client. The client 
chooses whether to continue replay or to disconnect and report an error to the 
user, then possibly reconnect with different options.

=== Output plugin arguments

The output plugin’s key/value arguments are specified in pairs, as key and 
value. They’re what’s passed to START_REPLICATION, etc.

All parameters are passed in text form. They _should_ be limited to 7-bit 
ASCII, since the server’s text encoding is not known, but _may_ be normalized 
precomposed UTF-8. The types specified for parameters indicate what the output 
plugin should attempt to convert the text into. Clients should not send text 
values that are outside the range for that type.

==== Capabilities

Many values are capabilities flags for the client, indicating that it 
understands optional features like metadata caching, binary format transfers, 
etc. In general the output plugin _may_ disregard capabilities the client 
advertises as supported and act as if they are not supported. If a capability 
is advertised as unsupported or is not advertised the output plugin _must not_ 
enable the corresponding features.

In other words, don’t send the client something it’s not expecting.

==== Protocol versioning

Two parameters max_proto_version and min_proto_version, which clients must 
always send, allow negotiation of the protocol version. The output plugin must 
ERROR if the client protocol support does not overlap its own protocol support 

The protocol version is only incremented when there are major breaking changes 
that all or most clients must be modified to accommodate. Most changes are done 
by adding new optional messages and/or by having clients advertise capabilities 
to opt in to features.

Because these versions are expected to be incremented, to make it clear that 
the format of the startup parameters themselves haven’t changed, the first 
key/value pair _must_ be the parameter startup_params_format with value “1”.


|startup_params_format|int8|1|The format version of this startup parameter set. 
Always the digit 1 (0x31), null terminated.
|max_proto_version|int32|1|Newest version of the protocol supported by client. 
Output plugin must ERROR if supported version too old. *Required*, ERROR if 
|min_proto_version|int32|1|Oldest version of the protocol supported by client. 
Output plugin must ERROR if supported version too old. *Required*, ERROR if 

==== Client requirements and capabilities


|expected_encoding|string|null|The text encoding the downstream expects results 
to be in. If specified, the upstream must honour it.
|forward_changesets|bool|false|Request that all transactions, not just those 
originating on the upstream, be forwarded. See “_Changeset forwarding_”.
|want_coltypes|boolean|false|The client wants to receive data type information 
about columns.

==== General client information

These keys tell the output plugin about the client. They’re mainly for 
informational purposes. In particular, the versions must _not_ be used to 
determine compatibility for binary or send/recv format, as non-PostgreSQL 
clients will simply not send them at all but may still understand binary or 
send/recv format fields.


|pg_version_num|integer|null|PostgreSQL server_version_num of client, if it’s 
PostgreSQL. e.g. 090400
|pg_version|string|null|PostgreSQL server_version of client, if it’s PostgreSQL.

==== Parameters relating to exchange of binary values

The downstream may specify to the upstream that it is capable of understanding 
binary (PostgreSQL internal binary datum format), and/or send/recv (PostgreSQL 
binary interchange) format data by setting the binary.want_binary_basetypes 
and/or binary.want_internal_basetypes options, or other yet-to-be-defined 

An upstream output plugin that does not support one or both formats _may_ 
ignore the downstream’s binary support and send text format, in which case it 
may ignore all binary. parameters. All downstreams _must_ support text format. 
An upstream output plugin _must not_ send binary or send/recv format unless the 
downstream has announced it can receive it. If both upstream and downstream 
support both formats an upstream should prefer binary format and fall back to 
send/recv, then to text, if compatibility requires.

Internal and binary format selection should be done on a type-by-type basis. It 
is quite normal to send ‘text’ format for extension types while sending binary 
for built-in types.

The downstream _must_ specify its compatibility requirements for internal and 
binary data if it requests either or both formats. The upstream _must_ honour 
these by falling back from binary to send/recv, and from send/recv to text, 
where the upstream and downstream are not compatible.

An unspecified compatibility field _must_ presumed to be unsupported by the 
downstream so that older clients that don’t know about a change in a newer 
version don’t receive unexpected data. For example, in the unlikely event that 
PostgreSQL 99.8 switched to 128-bit DPD (Densely Packed Decimal) 
representations of NUMERIC instead of the current arbitrary-length BCD (Binary 
Coded Decimal) format, a new binary.dpd_numerics parameter would be added. 
Clients that didn’t know about the change wouldn’t know to set it, so the 
upstream would presume it unsupported and send text format NUMERIC to those 
clients. This also means that clients that support the new format wouldn’t be 
able to receive the old format in binary from older servers since they’d 
specify dpd_numerics = true in their compatibility parameters.

At this time a downstream may specify compatibility with only one value for a 
given option; i.e. a downstream cannot say it supports both 4-byte and 8-byte 
sizeof(int).  Leaving it unspecified means the upstream must assume the 
downstream supports neither. (A future protocol extension may allow clients to 
specify alternative sets of supported formats).

The pg_version option _must not_ be used to decide compatibility. Use 
binary.basetypes_major_version instead.

|*Key name*|*Value type*|*Default*|*Description*

|binary.want_binary_basetypes|boolean|false|True if the client accepts binary 
interchange (send/recv) format rows for PostgreSQL built-in base types.
|binary.want_internal_basetypes|boolean|false|True if the client accepts 
PostgreSQL internal-format binary output for base PostgreSQL types not 
otherwise specified elsewhere.
|binary.basetypes_major_version|uint16|null|The PostgreSQL major version (x.y) 
the downstream expects binary and send/recv format values to be in. Represented 
as an integer in XXYY format (no leading zero since it’s an integer), e.g. 9.5 
is 905. This corresponds to PG_VERSION_NUM/100 in PostgreSQL.
|binary.sizeof_int|uint8|+null+|sizeof(int) on the downstream.
|binary.sizeof_long|uint8|null|sizeof(long) on the downstream.
|binary.sizeof_datum|uint8|null|Same as sizeof_int, but for the PostgreSQL 
Datum typedef.
|binary.maxalign|uint8|null|Downstream PostgreSQL server’s maxalign value - 
platform dependent, determined at build time.
|binary.bigendian|bool|null|True iff the downstream is big-endian.
|binary.float4_byval|bool|null|Downstream PostgreSQL’s float4_byval compile 
|binary.float8_byval|bool|null|Downstream PostgreSQL’s float8_byval compile 
|binary.integer_datetimes|bool|null|Downstream PostgreSQL’s integer_datetimes 
compile option.

== Extensibility

Because of the use of optional parameters in output plugin arguments, and the 
confirmation/response sent in the startup packet, a basic handshake is possible 
between upstream and downstream, allowing negotiation of capabilities.

The output plugin must never send non-optional data or change its wire format 
without confirmation from the client that it can understand the new data. It 
may send optional data without negotiation.

When extending the output plugin arguments, add-ons are expected to prefix all 
keys with the extension name, and should preferably use a single top level key 
with a json object value to carry their extension information. Additions to the 
startup message should follow the same pattern.

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