On Wed, Jan 20, 2016 at 06:58:24PM +0000, Simon Riggs wrote:
> The main problem is the length of the integration phase, which is mostly
> where nothing happens.

The open items wiki page saw steady change from 30 April to 28 December[1];
the two longest quiet periods were an eleven-day gap from 21 August and a
nine-day gap from 16 December.  Nineteen distinct contributors were finding,
fixing or otherwise editing data about 9.5 defects.  The integration work is
too slow, yes, but this persistent myth of a dead period is false.

For my part, I spent 1 July to 11 December reviewing 9.5 commits and reporting
or fixing defective 9.5 work.  (I did spoil myself with a few breaks fixing
pre-9.5 bugs.)  I doubt the 9.5 new bugs would have run dry within the next
five months, either, but the release team picked a fair juncture to give up
and call it dot-zero.



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