
2016-01-22 19:53 GMT+01:00 Daniel Verite <dan...@manitou-mail.org>:

>   Hi,
> Here's an updated patch improving on how the horizontal and vertical
> headers can be sorted.
> The discussion upthread went into how it was desirable
> to have independant sorts for these headers, possibly driven
> by another column, in addition to the query's ORDER BY.
> Thus the options now accepted are:
> \crosstabview [ [-|+]colV[:scolV] [-|+]colH[:scolH]  [colG1[,colG2...]] ]
> The optional scolV/scolH columns drive sorts for respectively
> colV/colH (colV:scolV somehow means SELECT colV from... order by scolV)
> colG1,... in 3rd arg indicate the columns whose contents form the grid
> cells, the typical use case being that there's only one such column.
> By default it's all columns minus colV and colH.
> For example,
>   cust_id,
>   cust_name,
>   cust_date,
>   date_part('month, sales_date),
>   to_char(sales_date, 'Mon') as month,
>   amount
> FROM sales_view
> WHERE [predicates]
> [ORDER BY ...]
> If we want to look at <amount> in a grid with months names across, sorted
> by month number, and customer name in the vertical header, sorted by date
> of
> acquisition, we could do this:
> \crosstabview +cust_name:cust_date +5:4 amount
> or letting the vertical header being sorted by the query's ORDER BY,
> and the horizontal header same as above:
> \crosstabview cust_name +5:4 amount
> or sorting vertically by name, if it happens that the ORDER BY is missing
> or
> is on something else:
> \crosstabview +cust_name +5:4 amount

I am playing with this patch, and I have following comments:

1. maybe we can decrease name to shorter "crossview" ?? I am happy with
crosstabview too, just crossview is correct too, and shorter

2. Columns used for ordering should not be displayed by default. I can live
with current behave, but hiding ordering columns is much more practical for

3. This code is longer, so some regress tests are recommended - attached
simple test case



> Best regards,
> --
> Daniel Vérité
> PostgreSQL-powered mailer: http://www.manitou-mail.org
> Twitter: @DanielVerite

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