På fredag 01. april 2016 kl. 15:22:55, skrev Teodor Sigaev <teo...@sigaev.ru 
> there was a character that was very similar to dots I would suggest
 > that.  The closest is * I think, so what do you think of "***"?

 And join opertator for tsqueries is the same :
 select 'fat'::tsquery *** 'cat'; ?

 Single '*' ?  That's close to regex, any number of tokens. And it saves rules
 about duplicating character.

 select 'fat'::tsquery ** 'cat';
 select 'fat * cat'::tsquery;
 select 'fat * [3] cat'::tsqyery; -- for non-default distance.
What about ~> ?
-- Andreas Joseph Krogh

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