Peter Eisentraut <> writes:
> On 7/7/16 5:52 PM, Corey Huinker wrote:
>> Wouldn't it be great if we had a way of printing timing in more human
>> friendly formats?

> Something like what you are proposing might as well be the default and 
> only format.

NAK --- if you're trying to do arithmetic on the numbers, converting
them to hh:mm:ss notation isn't the best first step.  I think a separate
setting somewhere to select the format would be good.  Please *don't*
do "\timing interval" as that confuses the on/off state with the
formatting selection.  Maybe a \pset option?

Also, might I suggest that leading zeroes in such a format are not
helpful?  That is, I'd want to see "1:02.345" not "00:01:02.345".

                        regards, tom lane

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