On Thu, Sep 8, 2016 at 10:04 PM, Tom Lane <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> The core code has never used xslt at all.


> Some quick digging in the git
> history suggests that contrib/xml2 wasn't very clean about this before
> 2008:
> [...]
> Both of those fixes postdate our native-Windows port, though I'm not sure
> of the origin of the specific test you're wondering about.

Thanks. I was a bit too lazy to look at the history to get this piece
of history out... And so the code that is presently in the MSVC
scripts should have been updated at the same time as those
compilations have been relaxed, but it got forgotten on the way I
guess. Then it seemt to me that the attached patch would do things as
they should be done: removal of the condition for iconv, which is an
optional flag for libxml2, and reversing the check for libxslt <->

Attachment: msvc_xml_relax_v2.patch
Description: application/download

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