
On 09/14/2016 07:24 AM, Amit Kapila wrote:
On Wed, Sep 14, 2016 at 12:29 AM, Jesper Pedersen
<jesper.peder...@redhat.com> wrote:
On 09/13/2016 07:26 AM, Amit Kapila wrote:

Attached, new version of patch which contains the fix for problem
reported on write-ahead-log of hash index thread [1].

I have been testing patch in various scenarios, and it has a positive
performance impact in some cases.

This is especially seen in cases where the values of the indexed column are
unique - SELECTs can see a 40-60% benefit over a similar query using b-tree.

Here, I think it is better if we have the data comparing the situation
of hash index with respect to HEAD as well.  What I mean to say is
that you are claiming that after the hash index improvements SELECT
workload is 40-60% better, but where do we stand as of HEAD?

The tests I have done are with a copy of a production database using the same queries sent with a b-tree index for the primary key, and the same with a hash index. Those are seeing a speed-up of the mentioned 40-60% in execution time - some involve JOINs.

Largest of those tables is 390Mb with a CHAR() based primary key.

UPDATE also sees an improvement.

Can you explain this more?  Is it more compare to HEAD or more as
compare to Btree?  Isn't this contradictory to what the test in below
mail shows?

Same thing here - where the fields involving the hash index aren't updated.

In cases where the indexed column value isn't unique, it takes a long time
to build the index due to the overflow page creation.

Also in cases where the index column is updated with a high number of
clients, ala

-- ddl.sql --
CREATE TABLE test AS SELECT generate_series(1, 10) AS id, 0 AS val;
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_id ON test USING hash (id);
CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS idx_val ON test USING hash (val);

-- test.sql --
\set id random(1,10)
\set val random(0,10)
UPDATE test SET val = :val WHERE id = :id;

w/ 100 clients - it takes longer than the b-tree counterpart (2921 tps for
hash, and 10062 tps for b-tree).

Thanks for doing the tests.  Have you applied both concurrent index
and cache the meta page patch for these tests?  So from above tests,
we can say that after these set of patches read-only workloads will be
significantly improved even better than btree in quite-a-few useful


 However when the indexed column is updated, there is still a
large gap as compare to btree (what about the case when the indexed
column is not updated in read-write transaction as in our pgbench
read-write transactions, by any chance did you ran any such test?).

I have done a run to look at the concurrency / TPS aspect of the implementation - to try something different than Mark's work on testing the pgbench setup.

With definitions as above, with SELECT as

-- select.sql --
\set id random(1,10)
SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = :id;

and UPDATE/Indexed with an index on 'val', and finally UPDATE/Nonindexed w/o one.

[1] [2] [3] is new_hash - old_hash is the existing hash implementation on master. btree is master too.

Machine is a 28C/56T with 256Gb RAM with 2 x RAID10 SSD for data + wal. Clients ran with -M prepared.

[1] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/caa4ek1+erbp+7mdkkahjzwq_dtdkocbpt7lswfwcqvuhbxz...@mail.gmail.com [2] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAD__OujvYghFX_XVkgRcJH4VcEbfJNSxySd9x=1wp5vylvk...@mail.gmail.com [3] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/caa4ek1juyr_ab7bxfnsg5+jqhiwgklkgacfk9bfd4mlffk6...@mail.gmail.com

Don't know if you find this useful due to the small number of rows, but let me know if there are other tests I can run, f.ex. bump the number of rows.

think we need to focus on improving cases where index columns are
updated, but it is better to do that work as a separate patch.


Best regards,

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