On 9/30/16, Francisco Olarte <fola...@peoplecall.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone.

Hello, Francisco!

> Also, although I feel confident in my coding I have zero knowledge of
> developing for postgres,

It is easy enough and all important steps are documented in the wiki.
Also some interesting things can be found in presentations from
hackers about how to hack PostgreSQL.

> and I am not confident in my git or testing habilities.
> I can develop it, as it is just modifying a single libpq
> client program and only in the easy part of the string lists and may
> be emitting a new error (as this can introduce a new failure mode of
> 'no tables to vacuum'), I can test it locally and produce a patch for
> that file, but I'm not confident on integrating it, making git patchs
> or going further, so I would like to know if doing that would be
> enough and then I can give the code to someone to review or integrate
> it.

Do your best and send a patch. No one is good enough at understanding
all the code base at once. There are lot of people who know different
parts of the code and who have ability to test patches in different

You can be sure you get a feedback, your code will not be merged to
the code base without deep review and independent testing.

Just be ready to improve your patch according to a feedback and be
ready that usually it takes several rounds of sending-review before
patch is committed.

Also you can follow a discussion from one of simple patches in a
commitfest to be familiar with the process.

Best regards,
Vitaly Burovoy

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