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> I think for processing-oriented output, the system described in the
> SQL/XML standard draft is the way to go.  Considering the people who wrote
> it, it's probably pulled from, or bound to appear in, a major commercial
> database.

Do you have a link to the exact section? I've found conflicting versions 
of what constitutes the "standard" for xml output of SQL data.

> I also think that psql is not the place to implement something like this.
> It's most likely best put in the backend, as a function like
>     xmlfoo('select * from t1;')
> Then any interface and application that likes it, not just psql-based
> ones, can use it.

I think that is a good long-term solution, but I still think we need 
to address the TODO item in the short run, and allow for a simple 
reformatting of the query results from psql. If not, we should remove 
that TODO item form psql and add a different one to the backend section.

- --
Greg Sabino Mullane [EMAIL PROTECTED]
PGP Key: 0x14964AC8 200303061020

Comment: http://www.turnstep.com/pgp.html


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