Robert Haas <> writes:
>> On Fri, Dec 2, 2016 at 1:28 AM, Fabien COELHO <> wrote:
>>> This decision is both illogical and arbitrary.

>> I disagree.  I think his decision was probably based on this email from me:

> (argh, sent too soon)

> Nobody responded to that, and I have not seen any committer say that
> they are in favor of this.  Against that, three committers (Tom,
> Stephen, me) have taken the view that they are opposed to at least
> some parts of it.  No changes to the patch have resulted from those
> complaints.  So this is just submitting the same thing over and over
> again and hoping that the fourth or fifth committer who looks at this
> is going to have a different opinion than the first three, or fail to
> notice the previous discussion.

I concur that this is expanding pgbench's expression language well beyond
what anybody has shown a need for.  I'm also concerned that there's an
opportunity cost here, in that the patch establishes a precedence ordering
for its new operators, which we'd have a hard time changing later.  That's
significant because the proposed precedence is different from what you'd
get for similarly-named operators on the backend side.  I realize that
it's trying to follow the C standard instead, but do we really want to
open that can of worms right now?  That's a decision I'd much rather put
off if we need not make it now.

I'd be okay with the parts of this that duplicate existing backend syntax
and semantics, but I don't especially want to invent further than that.

                        regards, tom lane

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