On 6 June 2017 at 23:52, Robert Haas <robertmh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 7:07 AM, Amit Khandekar <amitdkhan...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> So, according to that, below would be the logic :
>> Run partition constraint check on the original NEW row.
>> If it succeeds :
>> {
>>     Fire BR UPDATE trigger on the original partition.
>>     Run partition constraint check again with the modified NEW row
>> (may be do this only if the trigger modified the partition key)
>>     If it fails,
>>         abort.
>>     Else
>>         proceed with the usual local update.
>> }
>> else
>> {
>>     Fire BR UPDATE trigger on original partition.
>>     Find the right partition for the modified NEW row.
>>     If it is the same partition,
>>         proceed with the usual local update.
>>     else
>>         do the row movement.
>> }
> Sure, that sounds about right, although the "Fire BR UPDATE trigger on
> the original partition." is the same in both branches, so I'm not
> quite sure why you have that in the "if" block.

Actually after coding this logic, it looks a bit different. See
ExecUpdate() in the attached file  trigger_related_changes.patch


Now that we are making sure trigger won't change the partition of the
tuple, next thing we need to do is, make sure the tuple routing setup
is done *only* if the UPDATE is modifying partition keys. Otherwise,
this will degrade normal update performance.

Below is the logic I am implementing for determining whether the
UPDATE is modifying partition keys.

In ExecInitModifyTable() ...
Call GetUpdatedColumns(mtstate->rootResultRelInfo, estate) to get
For each of the updated_columns :
    Check if the column is part of partition key quals of any of
    the relations in mtstate->resultRelInfo[] array.
     * mtstate->resultRelInfo[] contains exactly those leaf partitions
     * which qualify the update quals.

    If (it is part of partition key quals of at least one of the relations)
       Do ExecSetupPartitionTupleRouting() for the root partition.

Few things need to be considered :

Use Relation->rd_partcheck to get partition check quals of each of the
relations in mtstate->resultRelInfo[].

The Relation->rd_partcheck of the leaf partitions would include the
ancestors' partition quals as well. So we are good: we don't have to
explicitly get the upper partition constraints. Note that an UPDATE
can modify a column which is not used in a partition constraint
expressions of any of the partitions or partitioned tables in the
subtree, but that column may have been used in partition constraint of
a partitioned table belonging to upper subtree.

All of the relations in mtstate->resultRelInfo are already open. So we
don't need to re-open any more relations to get the partition quals.

The column bitmap set returned by GetUpdatedColumns() refer to
attribute numbers w.r.t. to the root partition. And the
mstate->resultRelInfo[] have attnos w.r.t. to the leaf partitions. So
we need to do something similar to map_partition_varattnos() to change
the updated columns attnos to the leaf partitions and walk down the
partition constraint expressions to find if the attnos are present

-Amit Khandekar
EnterpriseDB Corporation
The Postgres Database Company

Attachment: trigger_related_changes.patch
Description: Binary data

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