On 2017/11/06 12:53, David Rowley wrote:
> On 3 November 2017 at 17:32, David Rowley <david.row...@2ndquadrant.com> 
> wrote:
>> 2. This code is way more complex than it needs to be.
>> if (num_parts > 0)
>> {
>> int j;
>> all_indexes = (int *) palloc(num_parts * sizeof(int));
>> j = 0;
>> if (min_part_idx >= 0 && max_part_idx >= 0)
>> {
>> for (i = min_part_idx; i <= max_part_idx; i++)
>> all_indexes[j++] = i;
>> }
>> if (!bms_is_empty(other_parts))
>> while ((i = bms_first_member(other_parts)) >= 0)
>> all_indexes[j++] = i;
>> if (j > 1)
>> qsort((void *) all_indexes, j, sizeof(int), intcmp);
>> }
>> It looks like the min/max partition stuff is just complicating things
>> here. If you need to build this array of all_indexes[] anyway, I don't
>> quite understand the point of the min/max. It seems like min/max would
>> probably work a bit nicer if you didn't need the other_parts
>> BitmapSet, so I recommend just getting rid of min/max completely and
>> just have a BitmapSet with bit set for each partition's index you
>> need, you'd not need to go to the trouble of performing a qsort on an
>> array and you could get rid of quite a chunk of code too.
>> The entire function would then not be much more complex than:
>> partindexes = get_partitions_from_clauses(parent, partclauses);
>> while ((i = bms_first_member(partindexes)) >= 0)
>> {
>>     AppendRelInfo *appinfo = rel->part_appinfos[i];
>>     result = lappend(result, appinfo);
>> }
>> Then you can also get rid of your intcmp() function too.
> I've read a bit more of the patch and I think even more now that the
> min/max stuff should be removed.

Oops, I didn't catch this email before sending my earlier reply.  Thanks
for the bms range patch.  Will reply to this shortly after reading your
patch and thinking on it a bit.


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