Dave Page wrote:

Right, but not having the luxury of time travel (wasn't that removed in
Postgres95? ;-) ) we can only go by what the majority think. We won't
know if it's actually right unless we try it.

We could run a survey saying 'would you use PostgreSQL on win32',  but
the chances are that the vast majority of potential win32 users would
not visit the site to answer that until it became widely know that we do
support win32, by which time of course it's all a bit moot.

Unless of course, you have other stats that prove that win32 support is
uninteresting to most people and potential users?

Regards, Dave.

I'm sorry if I'm being alow here - is there any problem with running a production server on cygwin's postgresql? Is the cygwin port of lesser quality, or otherwise inferior?

I understand that the installation is a bit awkward for cygwin. I somehow don't see that as too much of a problem. As for usage - RedHat guidelines clearly state that OSI approved licensed programs will not be considered by them derived work of the cygwin dll (the one who's GPLness caused the original discussion). This, aside from the question of whether they have any claim on Posix utilities anyhow, or whether a commercial application using PGSQL should be considered derived work of it, mean to me that there is no problem in distributing a commercial app that uses Cygwin PostgreSQL.


Shachar Shemesh
Open Source integration consultant
Home page & resume - http://www.shemesh.biz/

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