ow wrote:

Have *never* seen ppl running Oracle or Sybase on Windows. Not sure about DB/2
or Informix, never worked with them, but I'd suspect the picture is the same.

Then you need to get out more. I have seen Oracle, Sybase, DB2 (and probably Informix, I forget) all running on Windows in a number of large enterprise data centers.

They may claim that they have win port but it's more of a marketing gimmick
than a useful feature that affects real, not hypothetical, users.

IMHO, core postgreSql development should not be sacrificed for the sake of
win32 port.

Nobody is sacrificing anything. As usual, people are working on the things that they want to work on.

A Win32 port is clearly not important *to*you*. It is to others, and it's going to happen. You might dislike the decision but you need to get over it. If you feel other things are more important feel free to contribute to that work.

I am sure the core team will make sure that the Win32 work does not break or degrade the product on Unix, so why the heck should you even care? I'm not a big Windows fan either, but I also live in the real world. I suspect that goes for most of us who want to see this work done.

I still don't know why we are even having this discussion.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not match

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