Andrew Dunstan writes:

> Essentially what I have is something like this pseudocode:
>   cvs update

Be sure check past branches as well.

>   check if there really was an update and if not exit


>   configure; get config.log

Ideally, you'd try all possible option combinations for configure.  Or at
least enable everything.

>   make 2>&1 | make-filter >makelog
>   make check 2>&1 | check-filter > checklog

You could also try out make distcheck.  It tries out the complete build,
installation, uninstallation, regression test, and distribution building.

>   (TBD) send config status, make status, check status, logfiles


>   make distclean

When I played around with this, always copied the CVS tree to a new
directory and deleted that one at the end.  That way, bugs in the clean
procedure (known to happen) don't trip up the whole process.

> The send piece will probably be a perl script using LWP and talking to a
> CGI script.

That will be the difficult part to organize, if it's supposed to be
distributed and autonomous.

Peter Eisentraut   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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