> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Red Hat's still shipping 2.5.4a according to a quick look...
> Well Red Hat's still ship Postgres 7.3.4 ...
> I'm not considering anymore RH to be up to date with various versions
> :-(
> Gaetano

Not to jump immediately to RH's defense, but Fedora Core 2 (currently in
beta) is going to ship with PostgreSQL 7.4.x.   AFAIK, the update strategy
for most Red Hat distributions does not include major application version
changes in a release maintenance update.  RH will often backport patches
to fix bugs or security issues from newer versions of applications so that
library version numbers do not change and it doesn't adversely affect any
other dependent systems.

Look at this list's archive to see how difficult it is to update from
7.3.x to 7.4.x without the RPM or automated upgrade issue.  There has been
some talk about resurrecting pg_upgrade, but that's not an easy task. 
Even then, that may not solve the entire upgrade problem for RPM based

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: the planner will ignore your desire to choose an index scan if your
      joining column's datatypes do not match

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