"Christopher Browne" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message
> In an attempt to throw the authorities off his trail, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> > Is anyone really ready for this sort of commitment?
> By that, I presume you mean...
> "Are people prepared to stop working on the doubtless useful things
>  that they are working on in favor of spending their time instead on
>  this set of marketing-oriented systems integration tasks?"
> I think the answer to that is likely a pretty clear NO.
Perhaps more people should be attracted to the project? People that are not
just purely technical? I concur with the original posting. Not because of
the marketing aspects, but because I think PostgreSQL could benefit greatly
if it was more modularized and had a stronger long-term planning. It would
ease up a great deal for people like myself who really want to contribute.
No "grand restructuring" is needed but more thoughts need to go into
modularization and how various things plugs in to PostgreSQL, not just from
a technical "how to write the code" perspective, but also from an assembly,
deploy, and maintain angle.

PostgreSQL has a vast amount of users and the customer base is growing.
There is a demand that should not be neglected just because it's "Market
Driven". That's not fair the developers that does an excellent job with the
product. They really deserve all goodwill they can get from the users.

> PostgreSQL runs on numerous systems, and in order to do what you are
> proposing, it would be necessary to play system favorites.
> -> Configuration systems are inherently platform-specific.
This is true. But a large part of a configuration system could be made
platform independent. If a good modular configuration system was designed
and maintained by the PostgreSQL community, I'm pretty sure the platform
independent parts of it would see the light of day pretty quickly.

Kind regards,

Thomas Hallgren

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