In an attempt to throw the authorities off his trail, [EMAIL PROTECTED] transmitted:
> Is anyone really ready for this sort of commitment?

By that, I presume you mean...

"Are people prepared to stop working on the doubtless useful things
 that they are working on in favor of spending their time instead on
 this set of marketing-oriented systems integration tasks?"

I think the answer to that is likely a pretty clear NO.

PostgreSQL runs on numerous systems, and in order to do what you are
proposing, it would be necessary to play system favorites.

-> Configuration systems are inherently platform-specific.

-> PL/Java is well and interesting, but requires a barrel of non-free
   software, which makes installation and configuration anything but

There is _not_ going to be a "Product Management" group any time soon
that will turn around PostgreSQL into being a marketing-driven

I suggest that you instead find projects that are worth doing in their
own right without having to make some mandate for a Grand Political
Restructuring.  Doing individual things that are worthwhile is,
obviously, worthwhile.  If some point some people in directions that,
after some number of such projects, resemble some Grand Political
Restructuring, then you'll have succeeded at the latter.

Much as you can't push on a rope (unless it's wet and frozen :-)), and
can't herd cats (although EDS did a SuperBowl commercial claiming they
could), you can't push for a Grand Political Restructuring.  The best
you can do is lure people in your directions, one cat at a time...
(format nil "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" "cbbrowne" "")
"The theoreticians  have proven that  this is unsolvable,  but there's
three of us, and we're smart..."  -- Arthur Norman

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