Am Mittwoch, 3. August 2005 01:18 schrieb Jeff Davis:
> I guess what I'm trying to find out: does this mean that after all this
> change to the way strings are handled in the future, PostgreSQL still
> won't be standards-compliant for the basic '' string?

It will be more conforming regarding backslashes.  There may be other 
conformance issues, but they are not considered here.

> Also, let's say I have apps now in 7.4/8.0, and I want them to be
> forward-compatible. Should I make a type called E so that the E''
> notation will work, and then use that for strings? What is the "right"
> way to do it?

To be standards-conforming, don't use any backslash escapes.  If you must use 
them, use the E'' notation.

Peter Eisentraut

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