Thomas Hallgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> I assume that the path of the shared library will be somehow relative to 
> the GUC dynamic_library_path?

Well, whatever you put in the template is what will be in the probin
field of the support functions.  I suppose it does not *have* to use
$libdir, but I would definitely recommend using $libdir rather than
depending on dynamic_library_path.

> I also assume that the handler name can be prefixed with a schema name? 
> All PL/Java support functions reside in the sqlj schema.

Not if you use the template facility, they won't.  The handler and
validator are hard-wired to live in pg_catalog under this scheme.

> The validator for PL/Java will have to wait until 8.2.

Do you want to drop in a stub?  It's only a one-line function.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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