Thomas Hallgren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> Wouldn't it be better if all PL's used the 
> dynamic_library_path setting at all times?

I wouldn't think so at all.  That's just another way to shoot yourself
in the foot; $libdir is the correct place by definition, and any other
directory is not the correct place, by definition.  This is certainly
true for the PLs that are part of the distribution, but I don't see that
it would be any less true for add-on PLs.

As an example of how to shoot yourself in the foot, consider someone
setting dynamic_library_path to point to a version-specific directory:
and then updating to a newer release without changing that.

If there were some upside to letting people load alternate versions of
PLs by changing dynamic_library_path then you might have a point ...
but I really don't see any value there, just risk of breakage.

>> Do you want to drop in a stub?  It's only a one-line function.
> Yes, that's a good idea. I'll call them "java_validator" and 
> "javau_validator" respectively.

OK, I'll add that to the template info.

                        regards, tom lane

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