> I got the following message when I ran pg_dump with -Ft 
> option on Windows XP.
> > pg_dump -V
> pg_dump (PostgreSQL) 8.1.2
> > pg_dump -Ft test > C:\backup\xxx.out
> pg_dump: [tar archiver] could not generate temporary file 
> name: Permission denied
> pg_dump calls tmpfile() in pg_backup_tar.c:tarOpen(). Win32's
> tmpfile() creates the file into root folder. But 
> non-administrator users can't create files into root folder. 
> So, I think it fails that non-administrator users run pg_dump 
> with -Ft option.

Indeed, that's definitly a bug. Quick patch attached. It does appear to
work, but there may be a better way?


Attachment: pg_dump_tempfile.patch
Description: pg_dump_tempfile.patch

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