Marc G. Fournier wrote:

But, that isn't our role ... that should be the role of whomever takes on the role of 'maintainer' for such a monolithic distribution ... its no more our role to decide that pl/Java is better or worse then pl/J ... our role is to provide that core for everyone else to build around ...

Well, there is money around to sponsor development, and unless that is going to be restricted to core only projects, just giving some sponsorship involves making a choice.

Comparisons have been made with perl and CPAN, but modules are adopted into the perl core distribution from time to time.

Frankly, people want advice about what is good from people who know. Just saying "Oh, you're all too cute! I can't possibly decide!" might help to keep a fragile peace, but I doubt it does anyone much good in the long run. I'd rather trust the core developers than someone else with possibly more of an axe to grind.



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