"Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>" wrote:
> Katsuhiko Okano <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > It does not solve, even if it increases the number of NUM_SUBTRANS_BUFFERS.
> > The problem was only postponed.
> Can you provide a reproducible test case for this?

Seven machines are required in order to perform measurement.
Enough work load was not able to be given in two machines.

It was not able to reappear to a multiplex run of pgbench 
or a simple SELECT query.
TPC-W of a work load tool used this time is a full scratch.
Regrettably it cannot open to the public.
If there is a work load tool of a free license, I would like to try.

I will show if there is information required for others.

The patch which outputs the number of times of LWLock was used this time.
The following is old example output. FYI.

# SELECT * FROM pg_stat_lwlocks;
 kind |  pg_stat_get_lwlock_name   |  sh_call   |  sh_wait  |  ex_call  |  
ex_wait  | sleep 


    0 | BufMappingLock             |  559375542 |     33542 |    320092 |     
24025 |     0

    1 | BufFreelistLock            |          0 |         0 |    370709 |       
 47 |     0

    2 | LockMgrLock                |          0 |         0 |  41718885 |    
734502 |     0

    3 | OidGenLock                 |         33 |         0 |         0 |       
  0 |     0

    4 | XidGenLock                 |   12572279 |     10095 |  11299469 |     
20089 |     0

    5 | ProcArrayLock              |    8371330 |     72052 |  16965667 |    
603294 |     0

    6 | SInvalLock                 |   38822428 |       435 |     25917 |       
128 |     0

    7 | FreeSpaceLock              |          0 |         0 |     16787 |       
  4 |     0

    8 | WALInsertLock              |          0 |         0 |   1239911 |       
885 |     0

    9 | WALWriteLock               |          0 |         0 |     69907 |      
5589 |     0

   10 | ControlFileLock            |          0 |         0 |     16686 |       
  1 |     0

   11 | CheckpointLock             |          0 |         0 |        34 |       
  0 |     0

   12 | CheckpointStartLock        |      69509 |         0 |        34 |       
  1 |     0

   13 | CLogControlLock            |          0 |         0 |    236763 |       
183 |     0

   14 | SubtransControlLock        |          0 |         0 | 753773945 | 
205273395 |     0

   15 | MultiXactGenLock           |         66 |         0 |         0 |       
  0 |     0

   16 | MultiXactOffsetControlLock |          0 |         0 |        35 |       
  0 |     0

   17 | MultiXactMemberControlLock |          0 |         0 |        34 |       
  0 |     0

   18 | RelCacheInitLock           |          0 |         0 |         0 |       
  0 |     0

   19 | BgWriterCommLock           |          0 |         0 |     61457 |       
  1 |     0

   20 | TwoPhaseStateLock          |         33 |         0 |         0 |       
  0 |     0

   21 | TablespaceCreateLock       |          0 |         0 |         0 |       
  0 |     0

   22 | BufferIO                   |          0 |         0 |    695627 |       
 16 |     0

   23 | BufferContent              | 3568231805 |      1897 |   1361394 |       
829 |     0

   24 | CLog                       |          0 |         0 |         0 |       
  0 |     0

   25 | SubTrans                   |  138571621 | 143208883 |   8122181 |   
8132646 |     0

   26 | MultiXactOffset            |          0 |         0 |         0 |       
  0 |     0

   27 | MultiXactMember            |          0 |         0 |         0 |       
  0 |     0

(28 rows)

I am pleased if interested.

Katsuhiko Okano
okano katsuhiko _at_ oss ntt co jp

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